Atif Aslam to collaborate with Imran Khan?


Believe it or not Atif Aslam and Imran Khan have one thing is common which is, both are:

the MOST LOVED yet MOST HATED Musicians.

Imran Khan and Atif Aslam have succesfuly managed to get their songs in top charts. However, a group of music listeners never endorse their talent and don’t leave any moment to bash them. Anyhow, We are not here to support that group.

As the picture tells half story, the Pakistani Rockstar Atif Aslam was seen with the King of Bhangra Imran Khan. Both were in Dubai, to play for a concert. Just after this meeting Imran Khan tweeted ‘Big up Atif Aslam!!!‘ and uploaded this picture Online.

Rumors have that Khan can’t be so excited just to meet his Pakistani mate in town. Chances are that there is something cooking between the two big stars. Whatever the case may be, they both look hot and stunning with Black shades and even if we don’t get any collaboration song by them. This picture have given us a memorable picture to save.

Do you think there can be some kinda collaboration between Atif Aslam and Imran Khan ? If yes, how would it be like in your opinion ?

Check out the Exclusive Picture:

Atif Aslam with Imran Khan in Dubai concert


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