Co-VEN Ready to die Lyrics


Here is now the most requested & searched lyrics of Co-VEN band’s latest song & video “Ready to die”. Though it was already available in a picture of the youtube video by COVEN THE BAND. But i guess some people need the lyrics in text format.So here it is :  (also check out the interesting urdu translation of the song)

Gonna tell the government,

(main kahoonga hukoomat ko)

To inform the president,

(ke sadar-e-mumlikat ko batayein)

He’s been watching CNN,

(woh CNN dekhtay rahay hain)

Foreign Officials have arrived

(ghair mulki aehlkar aa chukay hain)

Send a team of four thousand Men,

(bhejo ek jamaat char hazaar afraad ke)

Send the entire regiment

(bhejo ek puray hazaar faujion ka dasta)

Get the media to cover them

(bulao zara-e-ablagh ko aagah karne ke liye)

We are allies , We must Fight

(hum ittehadi hain , hamein har surat larna hai)

Chali Shatranj kee Baazi

(Chess game has started)

aur bari bari,

(and turn by turn)

Iraqi, Irani

Saudi, Afghani


Haq, Haq, Haq, Haq.

(truth truth truth truth)

Commander in chief is asleep

(sipay-salaar soya hua hai)

base on the border has been seized

(border per choki cheen lee gayee hai)

down from the mountains on their feet*

(paharon se neechay aatay, apnay pero’n per)

Sir the militants have multiplied

(janaab , “jangju” barh chukay hain)

Coalition casualties,

(ittehadi zakhmi hotay hain)

Chopper shot down by the enemy,

(heli kaapter maar giraya gaya dushman ke zariye)

We’re gonna bring them to their knees,

(hum un ko ghutnon PAY le ayenge)

We are ready, Ready to DIE !

(hum tayyar hain , tayyar- marnay ke liye)

Ilzaam hamla barbaadi

(blame, attack , destruction)

or bari bari,

(and turn by turn)

Iraqi Irani

Saudi Afghani


Gonna Tell the Government!

(ja raha hun hukoomat ko batanay!)

*Thanks to Eihab for pointing out the mistake. We wrote it “street” but it is actually “feet”

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