The story of “Mata e Jaan Tu Hai” revolves around Haniya and Ibad. Haniya goes to live with her grandmother in the US after her parents’ death and takes admission in an engineering college. Ibad comes to New York to study engineering and takes admission in the same college. He meets Haniya here and they fall in love. Despite his family’s disapproval, Ibad marries Haniya. But an accident changes Haniya’s life forever.
What was that accident? What will Haniya’s future be?
To find out watch, ‘Mata e Jaan Tu Hai’ only on HUM TV.
The drama OST of Mata e Jaan Tu Hai has been sung by our very own Bilal Khan.
Cast: Adeel Hussain, Sarwat Gilani, Sanam Saeed & Javed Sheikh
Writer: Farhat Ishtiaq
Director: Mehreen Jabbar
Producer: Momina Duraid
Starting from 2nd March 17th February 2012, at 8:00 pm