The story revolves around a poor girl from Thar, Sanjha. Her brother-in-law, Majeed, sells her to a brothel owner Mumtaz and tells his wife, Nasim, that he has sent Sanjha away to the city to earn a living. In her innocence, Sanjha does not realize that she has not been hired as a maid but as a prostitute. Shabo also lives in the brothel with her two sons, Weeda and Deema. Weeda has a passion for photography and starts liking Sanjha. Things begin to look up for Sanjha’s future when Shabana, who runs an NGO and is writing a book on women visits the brothel with her son, Dr Ammar, and is approached for help by Sanja’s sister, Nasim who is looking for Sanjha. Do they succeed in saving Sanjha from a life of misery and shame?
Writer: Sameera Fazal
Director: Farooq Rind
Cast: Resham, Noman Eijaz, Aysha Toor, Rashid Faroqui,Urosa, Semi Pasha, Mariya Zaid, Naila Jafri, Aisha Alam, Imran Aslam, Sohail, Yasir, Shazia Afgan
Check out the pictures below: