FILMAX – Urdu Dose to Hollywood Entertainment


So, who doesn’t love the action packed thrillers or a heart-felt romantic movie. But what fails to sink in is the amalgamation of HBO, Star Movies and Filmazia.

Yes Filmax has done the impossible. It has added our very own ‘Lollywood touch’ to Hollywood movies.

filmax pakistan
Filmax dubs Hollywood movies in Urdu. People may have shown indifference to it initially but it gained gradual response from little or uneducated masses as they got a chance to experience Hollywood in their national language.

What really astonishes us is the gain in the market share that Filmax saw very recently. According to the statistics based on a survey on television channel viewers, the market share of Filmax has nearly doubled from 7% to around 14%, which is quite impressive for a local channel in a category dominated by international movie channel.

One of the reasons why we think that there was a sudden rise in the viewership of Filmax was the fact that they brought in a few renowned English sitcoms and TV series such as the popular Big Bang Theory, House and The Vampire Diaries and dubbed them into local languages.

Since these shows have good following in the educated masses, it only seemed natural for others to follow the trend, especially when there are no obstacles such as hard-to-read subtitles.

With no other channels currently following the trend, it isn’t hard to guess that Filmax will look forward to air more and more TV shows to gain greater viewership.

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