Akcent played in India, Uzbekistan and Pakistan


    Akcent played in India, Uzbekistan and Pakistan.

    Akcent boys spent the week end in Uzbekistan where they were invited to sing at the celebration of the most important local radio station. Adi, Sorin Mihai and gave a great show in a large scale event held in a pool.

    Undoubtedly the most successful song of the evening was “That’s My Name”, followed closely by “How Deep Is Your Love played the tail end of fans gathered in the pool.

    Since were for the first time in Uzbekistan, warmth and enthusiasm with which they were received by fans was a real surprise for the boys.

    It seems that June is a month of premieres for Akcent. Inceptul month he found the boys in India, where he claimed not one, not two but three concerts, all three with a resounding success.

    The second premiere was Uzbekistan and the third awaits no later than the end of this week. This weekend marks the first concert Akcent Pakistani territory.

    Boys are invited to play in the one organized in association with PIHRO (Pakistan International Human Rights Organization) and will be received like true international stars of thousands of fans who eagerly await, whose enthusiasm can not be questioned.

    Proof of this lies the event’s Facebook page, which is not less than 2357 guests confirmed, and hundreds of comments from fans, some of them calling Pakistan Akcent concert “event of the year.”

    So November 3 territories “conquered” by Akcent in June, while home, the boys new single, “Love Stoned” climb the charts rapidly.

    Source: Roton

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